HDD Buyer's Guide - PC Guide https://www.pcguide.com Practical Guides to PC & Tech at Home, Work, and Play Sat, 20 Apr 2024 14:38:57 +0000 en-US https://www.pcguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/PCguide-favicon-75x75.png HDD Buyer's Guide - PC Guide https://www.pcguide.com 32 32 Best External Hard Drive Enclosure in 2024 https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/best-external-hard-drive-enclosure/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=21933 Sun, 30 Apr 2023 11:22:22 +0100 Best External Hard Drive For PS4 in 2024 https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/best-external-hard-drive-for-ps4/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=21566 Wed, 26 Apr 2023 11:41:19 +0100 Best external drive for PC backup in 2023 Our round-up on external hard drives for backing up the contents of your computerWe use our computers for more and more aspects of our lives these days, and it’s more important than ever to protect the files we keep on them. Whether it’s family photos and videos, creative projects, financial records, work documents or other important personal files, we keep more and more of our crucially important files on our computers, and to ensure those files are properly protected, it’s an extremely good idea to have some kind of external backup for those files.An external USB hard drive is one of the quickest and most secure ways of storing your files away from your computer. You can keep it connected for regular backups, or for the most sensitive data you can connect it to perform a backup, and then easily take it to a remote location or a safe.Keeping a hard drive connected will protect you from technical faults preventing you from accessing files that would otherwise only be saved on your computer, or storing the hard drive in a separate location can protect you from losing those files in the event of a burglary or fire.Cloud backups are one option, but you can’t match the security of having physical control of access to those files since cloud backups can and do get compromised in cases where hackers have been able to gain unauthorized access to your account.

Toshiba Canvio Basics

Simple lightweight design Excellent GB per dollar value Moderate speeds No advanced functionality Basic aesthetic design Not the cheapest option for higher capacities Only 1 year warrantycheck price on amazonAs the name suggests, this is a very basic USB hard drive. It’s a bog-standard USB 3.0 Hard Drive, with moderate speeds and no particularly special features. Aesthetically, it’s just a standard black rectangle, and it’s pretty much exactly what you would expect.This drive uses a single cable for both power and data, so you don’t need to have a separate power supply.Toshiba sells this with a 12-month warranty, and it comes in 1TB, 2TB, and 4TB variants. It represents the best value in terms of GB per dollar in the 1TB option, but there are cheaper equivalent 2TB or 4TB drives available at the time of writing.

Seagate Backup Plus Slim

Brilliant value for the larger sizes Nice selection of colors Metal shell Availability of different colours is erratic Larger physical footprint than some similar drives Slightly heavycheck price on amazonThis USB drive is a plain rectangle, but it comes in several colors, not just black. It comes in Black, Red, Silver, Gold or Light Blue, whichever suits your personality. The Toshiba Canvio Basics is marginally cheaper in the 1TB variant, but Seagate takes the crown for the best  GB per dollar in the 2TB and 4TB options.This drive is encased in a brushed metal shell, offering additional protection from drops and other impacts.This is a moderate fast drive, it can’t match the high speeds offered by a Solid State Drive, but for straightforward backing up of files, it’s going to be perfectly adequate.

ioSafe Solo G3 4TB

One of the most durable drives around Includes data recovery service A big heavy drive Not cheap in terms of GB per dollar Only 12 month warrantycheck price on amazonThis is a far more robust and durable drive, for anyone who wants to have the ultimate peace of mind, or who is dealing with extremely sensitive or valuable files.ioSafe said that this drive is fireproof, and can withstand heats of up to 1550°F for half an hour. If you have important files that you want to protect even against domestic fires, this drive is an option that provides an extra layer of protection that regular drives will not.It is also rated as waterproof, so any kind of spillage, or if the drive gets submerged, will not destroy your computer backup.You can also physically protect this drive by bolting it down to any surface, helping to protect it from theft.This drive, in addition to a 1-year warranty, also includes 1 year of data recovery service. In the event of your drive enclosure becoming physically damaged, ioSafe will help you recover any data from it at no additional cost.This can’t compete with more basic drives in terms of GB per dollar, but it offers far more advanced security and durability features.Which drive will you be going for? Which of your files are the most important to backup? How often will you be backing up crucial files? Let us know.

Our verdict

It’s a fairly straightforward decision. There are some minor details, but if you just need a standard backup drive, the best option seems to be whichever offers the best value in the capacity you need.For people that need the ultimate peace of mind of a fireproof, waterproof drive that can be bolted down, the ioSafe Solo G3 is a brilliant option, but for most users, either the Toshiba or Seagate will be the obvious choice.]]>
https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/best-external-drive-for-pc-backup/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=9173 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 14:02:11 +0100
Best External Hard Drives In 2023 https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/best-external-hard-drives/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=3018 Fri, 03 Feb 2023 17:31:00 +0000 Recover data from a RAID array using Stellar Data Recovery Sponsored Post

Losing data can not only be one of the most unfortunate events to experience, but it can also be detrimental to businesses and catastrophic for data-oriented infrastructures such as server farms. Introducing Stellar Data Recovery, which promises to prevent and even rectify events such as data loss, corruption, accidental deletion and, broken RAID arrays. Whatever your area or use case, Stellar Data Recovery keeps your servers, spreadsheets, and even your precious memories intact.

We got our hands on the Stellar Data Recovery Tool. We used the ‘Technician’ version. This package is very much geared towards businesses. However, Stellar has a range of products for individual users, which can be handy if you’re looking to rectify a case or two of accidental deletion or some pesky file corruption. 

What potential problems can occur with storage devices? 

Data, in a nutshell, is always the same. No matter where it’s stored, data ultimately is a series of binary ones and zeros at its core. There are different storage types and components that handle data slightly differently. Some even require the presence of a storage controller, which ensures the operating system can retrieve the files required correctly. 

Storage is intricate, and understanding it completely is a complicated endeavor. To put it briefly, the more components between your OS and the data, the more potential points of failure there are. USBs, Storage controllers, Hard drives are all examples of potential points of failure. 

Not only that, even reading and accessing data comes with its own dangers. The infamous “Bit-flip” happens when data in RAM is “flipped” from one to a zero or vice versa. The most common natural causes of which are Cosmic background radiation, power, and temperature fluctuations. The ”Bit-flip” subsequently causes problems ranging from minor to catastrophic. Data corruption being one of the most prevalent among them. 

It’s not a matter of if your data gets corrupted, it’s simply a matter of time. Don’t panic though, Stellar Data Recovery has the answer.

How does corrupt data recovery work? 

Data recovery software primarily utilizes two methods to recover lost or corrupted data. Metadata analysis in addition to raw data recovery. Metadata analysis is the easier and more successful recovery method by comparison. 

Metadata analysis 

Metadata is a secret hidden service that’s active within every file you have stored on a PC, phone, and even your games console. If it’s a file on a hard drive or storage device, it has metadata that is populated by essential details about the file itself. 

The metadata keeps track of a file, its location, how to access it, and its structure. This is imperative to recovery software, as the metadata can be analyzed for information about the file. Then, taking into account its structure in the metadata. The file can be rebuilt back to its original form. 

Metadata analysis is far more efficient and has much greater success than the ‘Raw’ recovery method, because metadata analysis is more accurate in nature and recovers complete, usable, and organized files as opposed to jumbled data, making it not only a preferred method but a superior one. 

Raw recovery

This method can be thought of as the backup plan, It is still extremely sophisticated and complex. But, it’s far more of a broader gambit, in comparison to the metadata method. 

Raw recovery relies mostly on tracing file signatures and patterns that indicate the beginning and end of a file, this data is then collated and restored. However, the data will often still be incomplete and unstructured as the metadata may be corrupt or absent.

With the absence of the metadata, the files will be placed into folders named most likely by the software you’re using. This will make organization and locating a specific file a nightmare, as everything will have a new name. But, at least you have the data back.

How does deleted data recovery work? 

The process of recovering deleted data sounds complex, but is very easy to understand, it'll make you sound incredibly smart if you manage to work it into your next conversation. 

When a file is deleted, it’s not actually deleted. Rather the space that the file occupies is marked as available, the operating system will overwrite that file when it needs the extra space. 

If you manage to catch the accidental deletion before the file is overwritten, then you’re in for an easy ride. Stellar Data Recovery will just restore the file path and re-cement the file’s place on the hard drive. If the data happens to be overwritten, then it’s a little more tricky to recover. This ultimately depends on how many times it’s been overwritten. 

Thankfully, Stellar Data Recovery has got your data recovery needs covered. With the software using both ‘Raw’ and ‘Metadata’ methods in addition to few more complicated recovery tricks. Your files will be recovered, and back to normal no matter the condition. So long as you’ve not managed to somehow panic and accidentally smash a hard drive in half in the sheer onslaught of panic that you feel after you realise that the funny cat meme you loved from 2006 stops appearing in Windows Explorer. 

This can be said for almost all storage devices and configurations, SSDs, hard drives, USB sticks, even certain RAID configurations. Specifically RAID 0, 5, and 6.

What is RAID? 

We’ll only be covering one type of RAID configuration, RAID 0. With a brief mention of RAID 1 (two-way mirror). 

What is RAID 0? 

RAID 0 is a storage condition you can apply to two or more drives, often referred to as a ‘stripe set’ or ‘striped volume’ the data is split (striped) evenly between two or more volumes without redundancy, parity information or any fault tolerances. 

Since RAID 0 provides no fault tolerance whatsoever, this means that the failure or corruption of one drive will cause the entire array to fail. If the data is striped across all disks, you’ll be facing total data loss. RAID 0 is primarily useful for performance, large sets of temporary data and, creating large logical volumes out of two or more physical disks. 

RAID 0 can perform better than your average single drive by cutting write speeds almost in half but it’s far less reliable, and only considered as an option in applications that can tolerate lower reliability. Such as scientific computing and computer gaming. 

I’m sure you can see why recovery software for this RAID condition exists. 

How to use Stellar Data Recovery

We’ve got two identical hard drives set up in RAID 0. For us, it means that the larger volume can handle the large file sizes that video editing demands, and the speed of access that it also requires, making RAID 0 a perfect use-case for us to test out what Stellar Data Recovery is really capable of. 

Imagine, we’re editing a video, but suddenly a gigantic dog jumps at the PC knocking it down, and suddenly our lovely RAID 0 array appears to be failing. The RAID 0 array appears to be broken and all our data is lost… Or is it? 

As you can now see, only one of our two total hard drives is appearing in the Disk Management window. Meaning one physical drive is inaccessible, leaving only roughly 50% of my actual data intact. 

Those incredible photos of you and your gigantic dog growing up, with all of his lovely red fur is gone. But, don’t fret, because Stellar Data Recovery is here to save the day.

Where to download Stellar Data Recovery Tool 

Your first port of call is to head over to the Stellar Data Recovery website. 


Select the big green ‘Free Download’ button, you can’t miss it. 

Your download should then appear in the bottom right corner of the window (If you are using Google Chrome)

With the file fully downloaded, be sure to run the program. After this, select your preferred language and hit “OK”.

Just follow the on-screen steps and agree to any license terms and conditions, please read all the information on the screen carefully so you understand the software’s terms of use. 

After those steps are completed, the software should begin installing. Stellar Data Recovery gives you a short tutorial during the installation process. This means you can get a sense of familiarity with the software right off the bat, which should hopefully sate some of the fears that you might have while recovering data off of a corrupted or deleted sector on a drive. 

How to use Stellar Data Recovery

With Stellar Data Recovery fully installed, select any and all file types you wish to recover, for the maximum impact, we’d select  “All Data” to ensure that we get as much lost data back as possible. 

Our method of mimicking a total drive failure on a RAID 0 array was through disconnecting one of our identical hard drives. Due to this, one physical drive will not display in Disk Manager, leaving the other connected drive unable to compile the information it contains. This is because this data now belongs to a broken, incomplete array, and is just being displayed as unformatted, unallocated space. 

At least 50% of the all-important Metadata is stored on that drive, and we’d like to access the remaining connected physical drive without formatting it, as Windows would have you do. This means that for our RAID 0 array, we selected ‘Can’t Find Drive’ in Stellar Data Recovery.

We need to select the drive from the broken RAID array and in this case, it is the result at the top of our list. If you cannot find your drive, be sure to enable the “Extensive Search” slider,  which can be found on the bottom left of Stellar Data Recovery’s window. This will give you the best chance to recover your files. When you’re ready, just hit the blue ‘Search’ button.

Because the ‘Search’ function is extensive, it can take a while to search your drives. It took a grand total of 1h 18m to search a 500GB hard drive for lost partitions. So, be sure that you have sufficient time when you decide to use this tool, as it’s an in-depth and time-consuming process.

Stellar Data Recovery will now scan the logical disk you selected for missing or broken partitions. As we selected “Extensive Search”, the process will once again take a while to complete. It took Stellar Data Recovery 1h 18m to scan our 500Gb physical disk, but the speed and time taken will vary based on what type of storage media you are scanning. Go make a cup of coffee and let the software do its thing. 

With the lost partitions found, it will usually begin with sectors closest to 0 due to the way that drives and volumes are formatted. In our case, it’s labelled as Std Vol 1 under ‘Partitions’ in Stellar Data Recovery.

Click on the desired partition and select ‘Scan’ in the bottom right of the window.

Stellar Data Recovery will now scan the selected partition for the file types we selected at the start of the process. The software managed to complete this scan in around 1h 12m. The speed of your logical disk is a huge factor here. As we used a HDD, it’s not a speedy process.

After the scan has been completed, voila, Stellar Data Recovery will list the files and folders that it managed to detect. For us, it was “752.10Gb in 46439 folders”.

There is not actually 752GB of data present, as we know we only have a storage capacity of 500GB, but this is where the Metadata we mentioned earlier is hard at work. It shows the file structures and compositions for data that doesn’t actually exist on the disk due to the RAID 0 array’s composition.

We’re just looking for my photos and videos. To navigate through Stellar Data Recovery. So, use the dropdown menus to on the ‘Tree View’ to select files and folders that you want to recover.

With our search complete, and all of the files we want to recover selected, simply click the ‘Recover’ button on the bottom right. 

Choose a file path for your recovered files to save to, make sure the target destination has enough available space for files you’re recovering, then hit “Start Saving” 

The recovery process will take some time, this is governed largely by the amount of data you’re trying to recover in addition to the target destination drive’s write speed. Stellar Data Recovery only took around 31m 43s to recover 426 files (89.87Gb) in 3 folders, which is pretty speedy for a data recovery tool. 

A few hours later, we have 426 recovered files. It’s important to mention, many of them don’t work or are corrupted. However, around 10% of the video files do play and are of acceptable quality. 

Media is one of the more sensitive types of file to recover. Sometimes, a few bytes of misplaced data can render a video useless, and the fact that Stellar Raid Recovery managed to recover around 35 working videos from a broken RAID 0 array is nothing short of phenomenal. 

We gave Stellar RAID Recovery a nigh impossible task, and it pulled through, with usable files to boot. This is not representative of a simpler use case, as it’s likely that you’re not going to be running your home PC in RAID 0. We gave Stellar Data Recovery one of the biggest challenges you can throw at data recovery software, and it passed with flying colors.

If you need recovery software with no backup or two-way mirror to rely on, and everything has gone horribly wrong, consider using Stellar Data Recovery. Their simple and intuitive software takes advantage of the latest technology to recover what might have been otherwise lost forever.

https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/hdd-buyers-guide/stellar-data-recovery/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=133043 Fri, 17 Dec 2021 20:59:50 +0000
Best external hard drive for Mac in 2023 https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/best-external-hard-drive-for-mac/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=10880 Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:46:26 +0100 Best hard drive for gaming 2023 – overall, high-capacity, for console https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/best-hard-drive-for-gaming/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=1389 Fri, 28 Jun 2019 14:04:48 +0100 The Hard Drive Cache’s Importance In Gaming What is a Hard Drive Cache?The hard drive cache is called a ‘buffer’ by some, as it is a literal buffer that works on your hard drive disk. Basically, it tries to serve and use temporary memory for your hard drive, as it simultaneously writes permanent storage notes on the spinning platters. In a way, the hard drive cache acts exactly like RAM, but it is made specifically for your hard drive rather than being a separate physical item. The reason the cache exists is because hard drives have small, microscopic controllers that help it process data and content in a certain way. It filters what goes in and out of the drive, much like kidneys filtering what goes in and out of the body. The cache is what works with these micro-controllers to hold on to memory temporarily as it is being processed permanently.You may be familiar with the term “buffering” from YouTube. Have you ever tried to watch a video, and then it suddenly stops because it has to buffer? Typically, when the video slows down, it is because your connection is suddenly slow or poor, and the video player has to collect more data before it can play smoothly. This is the same process that occurs on the hard drive cache, which allows the drive to buffer while it processes data. And when you are playing your favorite video game, whether it’s a team fighting game or an open-world RPG, if you experience moments of lag or slowness, it is likely because the hard drive cache is buffering, and causing delays in the processing of your memory.

Cache’s Effect on Gaming

When your game loads, it’s loading from the files that already exist on your hard drive. This is the most noticeable problem of having a slow hard drive with a low cache. If you’ve ever been stuck in a lobby waiting for a map to load, this could be because someone’s hard drive is working on overdrive and isn’t going fast enough. That’s right – other people’s slow caches can affect you and your game time. Have you ever been in a round of League of Legends, and you are stuck in the loading screen before a match because one of your team members has extremely high ping? They are likely suffering from either a poor connection or a clunky hard drive, with an extremely low cache that is working overtime to buffer the game properly. This is why everybody’s load times are different depending on the type of hard drive they have, the condition it’s in, and the game they’re playing.When playing graphic intense solo-games, you’ll notice slow lag times if your hard drive is fragmenting the large files. Games like Fallout 4 and even MMORPGs like World of Warcraft can experience a lag spike if your hard drive is trying to fragment large files at once. When playing an MMO, you might see lag when a bunch of players enter the same area at once. This is because your hard drive is working hard to try and store all of this new memory while changes and movements are happening rapidly, and in real time.A big, multi-terabyte hard drive will prevent fragmentation, so this will increase load times in single player games. Finally, in an open world game, as well as some first-person shooters, the game will load the levels during game play. Think of a game like Skyrim: with a massive map like that, there’s no way you could load the entire map without maxing out your RAM. That’s why the map may only load a little bit at a time for you. So, when your computer is searching for files while you play, a slow hard drive can negatively impact these in-game load times.Hard drive cache can also affect the graphics of your game. We bet you’ve seen games with massive frame-rate issues—where mountains just pop out of no where. This is especially common in the 64-bit era games. When you’re playing modern PC games, your system is running graphically intense programs and rendering massive amounts of visual data as you play. This is almost entirely done by your graphics card. If you’re experiencing graphics issues, that’s the first thing to trouble shoot. However, you’ll find that a slow hard drive—or an old hard drive that’s right on the cusp of crashing—is going to limit the graphical performance of your system as well. A faster hard drive cache, and a more reliable hard drive, is going to improve graphic qualities on your games. Sometimes, a replacement of your hard drive may be necessary to get your games running smoothly again. You deserve to have optimum performance and a lack of interruption for your games.Open world games are increasingly popular in the big-studio games market. This is great for gamers who want a lot of choice in the way they play, but it’s incredibly intense for your rig to render these graphics on the fly. This can cause quite a bit of lag. Consider that your hard drive is pulling up files and rendering them constantly while you’re playing an open world game. Because of this, you need a reliable hard drive that has good cache size—then your drive can easily recall files that you’ve been using recently. Because an open world game has so many files to call, this is important when playing games with a giant map. Trying to load too much of the map at once may prove to be too much for your hard drive, and it may crash the game or even your whole computer entirely.It can be hard to deal with the hard drive cache sometimes. Because for a lot of other non-gaming processes, it is essential to increasing the speed of your drive. You can improve on your functionality with a great cache. Hard drives are not naturally fast; in fact, they are most often the slowest part of your computer. Caching is what speeds it up. It almost lies to the rest of the computer, making it think that the memory is already written, while the rest of the hard drive works behind the scenes to write it permanently as fast as it can. Writing data takes a long time because the hard drive uses physical parts to write it. While most computer processes are done electronically and digitally, this one does use real physical methods to write on disks.Cached data will be taken by the hard drive as it starts to write it. But instead of putting all of that data on its platters at once, it will tell the rest of the computer that the task is already done. This causes the computer to send even more data, which is cached and starts an entire new process. However, this is the most crucial element of caching, as it allows your computer to believe the process has already been completed so it can move on to the next task for you. Imagine if you had to wait for your hard drive to complete writing each and every piece of information you send to it before you can move on to the next thing. That would be a truly archaic system!As you can see, the cache can help to minimize your wait times while rendering a map in your open-world games or while loading your framerate for your FPS team game. However, the cache isn’t always perfect. While the hard drive does its best to write all of the data down while your cache lies to the rest of your computer, sometimes it fails. This can happen if your computer is suddenly turned off. Then, your cache is no better than RAM, which will delete all of that volatile storage data and you’ll have to start completely over when you turn your computer back on. Obviously, cache size can help to avoid this issue. The bigger your cache is, the more smoothly it will run, and the better it will be at temporarily storing and holding on to data as your hard drive writes it. Just be sure not to turn off your computer!Now, your cache size isn’t the only thing to consider if you want to improve the performance of your games. Your transfer rates affect the hard drive cache, so let’s take a look at those. There’s two metrics to consider: burst speed and read speed. Burst speed is the measurement demonstrating how long it takes data to be sent to your cache. Read speed is how long it takes for data to be written to the drive itself. For gaming, burst speed is going to affect how well your games perform because the faster your burst speed, the better your system will call the stored data from your hard drive. Read speed will affect how long it takes to install games and save files, but if you’re playing online, look for hard drives with a high burst speed.Access time is another component of your hard drive that you should consider when choosing a model. It’s measured in milliseconds (ms) so you actually want this metric to be low—the fewer the milliseconds, the less time it takes for a task to be accomplished. Access speed measures how long it takes for your hard drive to seek the files needed—and usually clocks in between 10-15 ms. Remember, models with faster access speed will have a lower listed metric.


In conclusion, your hard drive cache is storing large files needed to play a game—it’s like a table with all your important files on it. The cache is like the RAM of the hard drive, holding information temporarily while your hard drive begins to write it permanently. You need a big table space to hold all of your files, though. The more table space, the better. This will improve performance in load times, cause less lag for your graphics and stop glitching in open world games. While you can’t do anything about a random teammate who may be suffering from some major cache issues, you can be assured that your own computer will be running smoothly and can load the team game as quickly as possible. Cache isn’t the only thing that contributes to your hard drive’s speed, though. Hard drive speed is also determined by burst speed, read speed, and access time. These three metrics determine how quickly your hard drive can access the files in the cache. When you’re building your own computer, make sure to consider the size of your hard drive’s cache and how fast it pulls up files.]]>
https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/hard-drive-cache/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=3873 Thu, 20 Jun 2019 07:16:36 +0100
What Is The Best HDD Brand? https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/best-brand/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=3993 Thu, 20 Jun 2019 07:13:43 +0100 Internal Vs. External HDD Our Recommended Picks:ImageProductSpecs

The Best Internal Hard Drive

Seagate FireCuda 2TB 3.5 Inch SSHD Technology: SSHD Size: 3.5 Inch RPM: 7200 RPM Cache: 64 MB Interface: SATAView Latest Deal

The Best External Hard Drive

WD My Passport Wireless Pro Portable External Hard Drive Technology: HDD Read Rate: 120 Mbps Write Rate: 120 Mbps Connectivity: 802.11ac/n Wi-Fi, USB 2.0 Type-A, USB 3.0 Micro-BView Latest Deal

Differences Between The Two

First off, the main difference between an internal drive versus and external one is this: internal hard drives are installed within the body (laptop) or tower (desktop) of your computer, while external hard drives connect to your computer via a USB or FireWire connection. In tech-free terms: internal hard drives work inside your computer; external hard drives work outside your computer. While you may be able to start considering the pros and cons in your head, you can find out more details between the two drives by understanding how each is useful in certain situations.The device itself is relatively similar in both situations. Both write data to a magnetic disk by spinning it against a magnetized arm. Both contain spinning plates. Internal and external drives do the same thing as well, they store your files and retrieve them when needed. At the core, they are almost the same kind of device. And in both cases, hard drives are essential to using a computer—and you can’t have a computer that doesn’t have at least one internal hard drive. There would be no information to access, to way to save your files, and nothing for your computer to look for when you try to perform any action whatsoever. HDDs are integral to the functionality of your computer, and whether you have an internal or an external preference, both can lend themselves well to the value of your PC.External hard drives offer a wealth of conveniences. They’re easy to install—simply plug them in with your USB or FireWire cable, and you’re ready to save files directly to the new external drive. It works almost identically to a USB flash drive. External hard drives are also convenient for transferring files from one device to another. Need to get all your movie files onto your Playstation 4? Want to move important documents from your home computer to your work computer? An external hard drive allows you to accomplish this with ease. Finally, they’re a great back up to the internal drive. You can have all your files stored on a second device in case your laptop ever gets lost or stolen. If you backup your files to a separate machine, you can rest easy knowing that you have two copies of everything. Never forget to back up your files!Some other great benefits of external hard drives include: Huge storage capacity – You can easily store great amounts of files, images, videos, and more with an external hard drive. Plus, you can increase the amount of data depending on the make and manufacturer of the drive you choose. Portability – You can take them with you anywhere. They are a great choice if you travel a lot, or if you need to exchange files between multiple locations. Lightweight – In addition to being portable, external hard drives are also very lightweight. They can typically fit in your pocket, bag, or briefcase with ease. Plus, they require no special formatting required to be able to use them everywhere. Increased security – Since your data is always right in your hands, you know that it will always be secure. You can get rid of the risk of your data being stolen by carrying it with you, rather than leaving it vulnerable on a single computer.Internal hard drives can have some benefits over external ones, however. Internal HDDs are faster at pulling up and saving files, since their working directly with your motherboard and the files aren’t “traveling” through a cable. If you can install another hard drive on your machine, do it. However, most computers (laptops in particular) can’t install a second hard drive. There’s no space for it. Getting a second internal drive probably means upgrading your first one and using the new one instead. And even if you can get a second one, you need to be comfortable with opening up the shell or tower of your computer. Most people would prefer not to do this. This makes the choice pretty easy.Additional benefits that internal hard drives may have over external hard drives include: Constant connection – Your internal hard drives are ALWAYS connected to your computer. This means you won’t have to worry about your files not being there when you turn on your device. Largest storage capacity – Internal hard drives typically have the biggest potential for storage capacity over other kinds of hard drives. Affordability – Compared to the cost of purchasing a top-of-the-line external hard drive, internal ones can be far more worth it. Especially considering that they can come included with the purchase of a PC; or if you are building one on your own, you may be able to find internal drives to be cheaper. Upgrade capability – If you ever find that your internal hard drive is running out of space, or just isn’t processing as smoothly as it used to, you can always pay for an upgrade. You can replace it or upgrade it with the necessary parts to keep your tower running smoothly and so you can continue to store all the files you need.There are downsides to external hard drives. They’re more expensive than internal ones because the technology they use is newer and somewhat-harder to manufacture. Plus, it can be a scavenger hunt to try and find the right kind of external hard drive to purchase. Externals are slower than internals, since they connect over a cable instead of getting installed directly in the machine. Externals break much easier, as you’ll be carrying them around in a bag and they’re not protected by the shell/tower of your computer. And here’s something most people don’t consider until it happens: external hard-drives are way easy to lose. They’re small, you’ll be bringing them around to different places, and they aren’t inside your computer. If you lose your computer, you lose your hard drive; however, an external hard drive is really easy to misplace, especially during a move. All of this isn’t to say you shouldn’t get an external hard drive—we bring up these points simply to show that externals do have downsides compared to internals, even though it doesn’t seem to be the case initially.And there are of course a few drawbacks to having an internal drive as well. Again, it all comes down to what kind of hard drive works best for you in your situation. A lot of people prefer internal hard drives due to their storage power and the fact that they remain inside the computer, but there can be some pitfalls that aren’t easy to avoid. For example, since they are fixed inside your computer, that means they must remain there at all times. You can’t easily pop it out and put it into another computer for the transfer of files. That task is much easier left done with the external hard drives. Also, if you want to upgrade them, you essentially need to replace them completely. And most of the time, this means doing it yourself. If you aren’t computer savvy enough to understand how to uninstall and reinstall hard drives, then you may find yourself stuck without a hard drive or a workable computer.It’s important to realize that the decision between internal and external isn’t an either/or scenario. In fact, you can only get an external hard drive in addition to the internal one you’re using right now. Having a variety of storage options insures your files are safe, easy to share, easy to store, and easy to access. An external hard drive is a great investment—think of it as a really big USB flash drive. Likewise, you might even consider getting a cloud service to store files online. There’s a variety of options when it comes to file storage, and a mix between internal, external, and cloud storage is your best option. Those who are in need of multiple places for storage and safekeeping often go with a variety of options to fulfill their storage needs. Keep in mind that when choosing an initial internal or external drive, you don’t need to stick with your choice forever. In fact, you can test out both options to see what works better for you. You may find out that they are both equally viable options to add to your storage collection!When it comes down to it, the biggest thing you need to consider when choosing a new hard drive is convenience. Think about the fact that an internal hard drive will likely need to be formatted for your computer and your OS, especially if it is a new upgrade from your old one. If you need to perform more complicated tasks such as partitioning your computer, an internal hard drive is your best bet. It is much easier to format an internal drive than it is an external drive. On the flipside, an external drive needs no formatting at all, so this may be the most convenient option for your needs. Think about what works best for your storage capacity, your operating system, and the devices you’re going to be using the hard drive with.If you want physical protection, you can keep in mind that both internal and external hard drives come with their own enclosure. Technically, the internal drives themselves are not in an enclosure, but they are surrounded by the casing of your computer tower or laptop. This protects them from potential damage from dust, water, and static shocks. Likewise, an external hard drive does come with its own shell. You’ll never find an exposed external drive for sale. You won’t have to worry about damaging it or needing to create your own form of protection for it, since it will be very protected in the shell it comes in.When comparing prices, things can get a bit tricky. While both types of drives are affordable, it often needs to be broken down by brand and type. For example, some HDDs of the same exact brand and specs can be cheaper as an external drive than an internal drive. Sometimes, you will find the opposite to be true. Do your research to find out the biggest price differences from the brands you trust the most in order to make the most well-informed decision.In conclusion, the difference between internal and external hard drives is exactly what the name implies: internal goes inside your computer, while external is outside your computer. Internal drives come with a variety of benefits that include larger storage capacity, ease of formatting, and protection inside your computer. Externals are portable, do not require formatting, and can often help to exchange files between devices. Internals are faster and cheaper, but you usually can’t install a second one on your machine. As you can see, the pros and cons are valid on both ends, and the ultimate decision is up to you. If you need to decide between one or the other, consider what type of hard drive you already have, or what kind of storage you are looking to build. Don’t forget about cloud storage options too! In this day and age, having more than one location for your stored files is your best bet for security and backup. Getting a variety of storage options is typically the best choice to making sure your files are safe and secure.]]>
https://www.pcguide.com/hdd/guide/internal-vs-external/ https://www.pcguide.com/?p=4042 Thu, 20 Jun 2019 07:13:07 +0100